VWt Magazine is aimed at owners/enthusiast of the Volkswagen Transporter from the T4 model upwards. The magazine includes features about T4s and T5s, product reviews, road tests, shop tours, road trips, Transporter history and reader’s rides. VWt Magazine is all about reader value. Each issue has 100 pages jammed packed with everything anyone would ever need to know about T4s and T5s and costs just £3.95.
Ageing disgracefully • Gavin Traynor made his 20-year-old T5 look hot, practical and basically a heck of a lot more modern than it really is...
SNOW & SHINE • Regular VWt snapper Adam, along with Ellie and Luna (the spaniel) hit the Scottish slopes in their T5.1 for some cool snowboarding capers. Here’s why you should do it too...
Wicked wheels • Rim choice can make the difference between boring and bloody awesome. You’re unlikely to get it right the first time so there’s scope to change. Here’s some ideas to give you inspiration
FRESH PRODUCTS • Top gear for your Volkswagen...
Your world, your life... YOUR VANS
NIGHT UNDER THE STARS • Neil Marsh recalls a memorable moment from 2024
Right place, right time • Ryan Mullins wasn’t looking to add another Transporter to his fleet, but when a friend offered him a mint T6 at a price he couldn’t refuse, his unplanned purchase soon became the basis for his greatest triumph
Take to the floored please! • Mezzanine flooring technician Ricki Clarke swapped his work Transit for a T6.1 then slammed it on air to baffle his work colleagues...
THE ART OF DECEPTION • Sometimes things aren’t what they seem, and this was the case when the camera lens was directed at Simon Matthews’s rusty pride and joy
SECOND COMING • Leigh Hicks had so many good memories in the T25 he bought in 2009 that having sold it he only went and bought it back again...
IT’S ONLY RACK AND ROLL • Having picked it up and driven home to France, Ian gets to know his new flexible friend
MONSTER MASH-UP • A gathering of VWs on the shore of Loch Ness – that sounds like a monster plan
2025 Show diary • Pack up your van and hit the road. Here’s our pick of the best upcoming events